As a leader you always have creative people around, who know what to perform and when to perform
Every single strength of your team member helps in creating a strong and self-motivated team. Who is ready to create wonders.
Just like an ice cutter ship who works in extreme conditions where every single blade and the curve has its own strength similarly every single strength and knowledge curve of any individual in your team has capacity to create wonder when time come for his performance.
So as a leader we have to trust and acknowledge the strength of the team member's trust line can be 100% or 0% there is no in between. If your trust is 0% then also it's not the fault of the individual it's the leader who has to rethink and recreate the trust line like mature leader not like boss
Erasing and writing again always leave strain but leader always draw the things in one go , changing of thought is not the quality of leader so push the team with 100% trust and confidence
A true leader Never have " Ghar ke murgi daal brabar" Approach with any of his team members in many cases when the leader undermines the power of any team member and the same dish is served to a new leader who has more knowledge of skill sets he surely acknowledge the flavour of skills & when required and he has the capacity to turn around the daal with murgi
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