Labour department haryana latest update 2020 on factory license & contract labour license auto renewal
What order about Contract Labour license Say
In compliance of Business Action Plans (BMP) 2020 of the Department of Promotion of Industries & Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India, for renewal of licenses under rule 29 of The Haryana Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Rules, 1975 read with section 13 (31 of The Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, t970 and under rule 14 of The Haryana Inter-State Migrant Workmen Rules, 1981 read with section 9 (3), 35 (2) of The Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act,1979. the State Government of Haryana has approved the auto-renewal of the licenses under the ibid Acts, subject to the following conditions:- The duration of renewal of licenses procured via auto renewal online system would remain same as being provided at present as per Act, which is one year. The provision of auto renewal will be applicable only in cases where there is no change in the desired fields i.e. name of occupier, name & address of the factory or establishment maximum no. of workers except the year / years etc. from the ' previous licenses. Whenever there is a change in the any condition or requirement in the previous license than in such case the process of online application for renewal will be followed. The fees for auto renewal has to be deposited by e-GRAS through the website of Labour Department i.e. . If the requisite fees is not deposited via e-GRAS and any other method like treasury challen or e-challen is adopted then the usual method of online renewal will be followed. All the officers/officials of the Labour Department, Haryana are here by ordered to adhere to these instructions. What Order about Factory License Say In compliance of Business Action Plans (BRAP) 2020 of the Department of Promotion of Industries & Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India, for renewal of licenses under rule 1.0 of the Punjab Factory Rules, 1952 read with section 5 of the Factories Act, 1948 the State Government of Haryana has approved the auto-renewal of the licenses subject to the following conditions:-
There being no change in particulars of the application (forry no. 2) for renewal of license i.e. name of occupier, Name & address of the factory, maximum horse power and maximum no. of workers for the year / years for which is renewal is required The fee paid is five or ten times of the fee specified in the schedule, in case the renewal application is made for five years or ten years, as the case may be. The fees is paid through E-GRAS only via the departmental website i.e. through the login l.D' of the factory' If there is any change in the particulars of the renewal application (form no' 2) other than the period for which renewal is required, the case shall be processed as per existing provides the quickest and the most relevant job search to its users. We achieve this through continuous innovation, based on feedback from our users.
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